If you are applying pesticides or using agricultural chemicals in your business, this course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to prepare, apply, transport, handle and store chemicals. This course covers: • Legislation • Reading and understanding product labels • Farm chemical formulations • Personal and environmental safety • Record keeping • Risk assessment • Integrated pest management and equipment calibration. To maintain current accreditation, re-accreditation is required every five years. Please contact lecturer Wendy Meech via email wendy.meech@tafesa.edu.au or phone 8562 0537 prior to enrolling to discuss course requirements. Expressions of interest are welcome for this course to be held at other locations. Please use the contact us form below. For organisations that wish to pay the student fees for this course and are unable to pay by credit card via the website, please contact the Short Course team via email on ShortCourses@tafesa.edu.au to organise a Third Party Payment invoice.
Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases (AHCCHM307)
Transport and store chemicals (AHCCHM304)
Current VISA holders eligible
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