The Awards celebrate success across career levels, industries, and communities. From the construction sector to the arts, healthcare to green energy, the space sector to IT, early childhood education to hospitality, tourism to manufacturing; we are honouring success in all its diversity.
Finalists of the TAFE SA Honour Awards 2024 will be celebrated at a prestigious ceremony at the Adelaide Town Hall hosted by The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Adelaide. This will be an opportunity for finalists to network with each other, the TAFE SA Board and Chief Executive, and industry leaders.
Do you know any outstanding TAFE SA graduates? Don’t miss this opportunity to honour their success by nominating them for the Awards.
Are you a TAFE SA graduate? Make sure to self-nominate to honour your own achievements.
Who will you nominate?
In 2024, there are seven award categories. If you’re not sure which category to nominate, you can select multiple options. For any questions, send us an email.
Finalists working in and contributing to future-focused, emerging, or growing industries, including but not limited to apprenticeships and trades, construction, manufacturing, the space industry, digital infrastructure, renewable energy, VFX, VR, and AR, the defence industry, agribusiness, high-tech sectors, business services, health and medical industries, early childhood education, health and aged care, hospitality, wine and tourism.
Finalists working within arts and cultural industries, advancing cultural exchange, facilitating artistic dialogue, and contributing to a dynamic and robust creative sector.
Finalists who are living or working within regional South Australia and making a positive impact on their local community. Finalists must demonstrate a strong work ethic, drive, and creative thinking.
Finalists who demonstrate enterprising vision, innovative flair, and a determination to succeed.
Finalists who are contributing to local, national, or international communities through the course of their employment or on a voluntary basis. Finalists must demonstrate a significant effort for the improvement of the greater community and commitment to positive change.
Finalists who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made a significant impact in promoting and preserving cultural diversity, celebrating diverse cultural traditions, fostering intercultural understanding, and enhancing inclusivity.
Finalists who are making a significant impact on the City of Adelaide through cultural, economic, or community contributions.
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