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Employment rights and conditions in Australia

Getting a job in Australia can be exciting – it’s a great way to learn about Australia, meet people and make some money while you study. While every workplace is different, remember, international students have the same workplace rights as all other workers in Australia.

For more information about workplace rights and conditions in Australia, please visit the Fair Work Ombudsmen (FWO) website. This information is also available in languages other than English with videos.

How to resolve workplace issues

When you start a new job, you might get told things, or asked to do things that don't seem quite right. You can seek free help from the FWO if you experience issues while working in Australia. The FWO can help with matters like pay, deductions, leave, hours of work, uniforms and breaks.

The FWO has a range of free tools and resources to help you resolve issues in your workplace. These help international students to:

International students can also contact the Fair Work Infoline for advice and assistance on 13 13 94, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. To speak to the FWO in a different language, first contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 and set up a time to talk to the FWO.

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