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Harmony Day Celebrations - Adelaide City

Apr 22, 2022


At the Adelaide City Campus, class 004 also took a chance to ‘show and tell’ during Harmony Week.

On Monday in computer class, students wrote about something special from their countries.

On Wednesday, they brought the items in. Some students dressed up. It was fascinating to learn about the different clothes – what materials they are made of, when they are worn, who wears them, and their different cultural significance. Everyone asked lots of great questions. Google Images was useful to explain some answers! 

Image: Yuan Li, Ting Ting, Guoping & Jie Wu (Daisy) were keen to show off their different posters about China


Masam taught Woynishet how to wear a bazan headscarf from Liberia

Rosa and Fowzia

Rosa talked about celebrations of Dia de los Difuntos in Ecuador while Fowzia talked about Nowruz in Afghanistan

Also at the Adelaide City Campus, Harmony Day was a great day for Beginner Class 005 students to explore their shared curiosity about each other’s cultures this year.

Two weeks prior, students were given a short research task : find and write about 2-4 pictures of famous celebrations and festivals from their countries. They initially worked in the same cultural groups which was a good activity because they were working as a team, offering help to each other, selecting the most suitable pictures etc.

Then on Harmony Day, students were divided into different groups to get to know each other. They prepared their posters with the pictures and wrote the description. This helped them understand about intercultural community, pay respect to each other’s culture and they were curious to know more and more. They came out of their comfort groups which helped them to boost their confidence to get along with other people outside their culture. They enjoyed this activity as they read and corrected each other’s work, and then clicked photos and were so happy to share on Microsoft Teams without any hesitation!

The students’ feedback said everything - that proud feeling on their faces was fantastic and satisfying because they did a project by themselves. It was a really great day, as they developed their intercultural understanding and truly represented the diversity of Australia with this fun activity. Written by Amritpal Kaur Lecturer Class 005

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